Comments from the proud owner’s of the Quest 50 Sailing Catamaran, Injabulo as they arrived in Barbados were a mixture of excitement and relief to have made the journey.
The mssage that they sent the team at Du Toit Yacht Design read,
“Hello everyone!!! We are in Barbados!!! Yes! We hope to enjoy our stay!!!!! We will leave on Monday morning latest to be in St. Maarten within 3 days. We had an interesting 8 first days; rocking, rolling, rain and overall bad weather. Now, it is time to breathe…. and then for our final stretch. All is well on board. Injabulo is behaving like a real lady. No problems so far and she is making us proud! Crossed the equator with dues paid to Neptune in vast quantities of Tequila and Moet!! So, what a beautiful trip!!!!! Thanks to Michele, Rod and Andre. So far so good!”
After their 48 day voyage from Cape Town, they arrived in St. Maarten on the 19 April 2018, with happy hearts and ready for this exciting new chapter alongside the beautiful Injabulo. Congratulations!
Read more about the Quest 50 Sailing Catamaran, here
View an SABC TV feature on the building of Injabulo in Buhrmansdrif